Simplified Enterprise solutions
Enterprise grade mobile, web services, integrations together
with enterprise device and app
management in a single bundle

We provide enterprise grade scalable backends software solutions for mobile, backend and frontend requirements. These go hand in hand with our enterprise endpoint management solutions that provide complete enterprise security and device and app management.
We develop apps and backend services for your Kiosk terminals and complete remote device management for windows, iPadOS or Android
Get your enterprise mobile apps, backends and frontends developed with the scalability in mind. Deployee your apps using our app management solution.
Our Endpoint management solution set is powered by Entgra, provides device and app management capabilities for your cooperate device fleets.
Connect your enterprise backends using WSO2 powered API management and integration solution set to simplify your enterprise integrations
Whether it is a restaurant menu on a tablet or an airport information terminal
or a digital signage system,
we take care of developing and managing all these devices. Starting from the app
that runs on your device,
to the backend it connects, out custom kiosk app development provides the best
possible experience for your end user.
Your devices can also be managed remotely with our endpoint management solution
to keep them
secure and upto date with the latest releases of your apps.
Powered by Entgra and WSO2 Unified endpoint management solutions, Creboson provides a fully fledged endpoint management solution capable of handling multiple device types in a secure and simple manner to manage. The solution contains, an enterprise app store for all internal apps and make sure devices are kept upto date. Devices are governed by security policies and rules to keep your enterprise information secure.